Tuesday, July 23, 2013

The idea of storytelling is a passion for me.  I believe in the power of a story.  Everyone has one and knowing their story makes them human which entails helps others see them in a different way.  The power of digital storytelling inspires, creates and documents our history.  We are social.  Students need a voice in their education. It's imperative they create and collaborate.

In the article by Zucker, Educational Technology, he says "In everyday life, email is perceived by people as adding to the "social glue" that binds us together as a community and stay in touch."  I would like to add that it creates relationships.

Article Educational Technology-Zucker
  • Education is transforming because of technology
  • Walls of schools need to be broken down-technology allows those barriers to go away.  Proficiency based-will there need to be age appropriate grade levels?
  • Technology brings opportunities along with problems
  • "Social Glue" Technology can be the glue to connect communities which schools desperately need.
  • Accountability/integrity/moral values need to be present. EVERYONE is responsibility--parents need to be part of the process
  • Online curriculum needs to improve.  the right tool in front of the right kids will foster success
  • Don't want Junk!  :)
  • Utilizing Instructional Technology needs to enhance to curriculum.  "How are we using the billion different programs/apps.  That is the art!"  Brian
  • It's not want programs you use but HOW you use it!

Here's my "quick" video we did in class today.  You can see where my mind was.

I recommend the following book:

The Storytelling Animals. How Stories Make Us Human by Jonathan Gottschall

Check out my repository of Podcast ideas, scripts, hardware, etc

Check it out!
Dragon Speak
SimpleK12-great webinars


  1. Nice thoughts on today's work. Student voice and story go hand in hand. Thanks for your enthusiasm for it. Glad you're keeping a list of tools. We all forget and you can come back to this later. Well done.

  2. I have so enjoyed getting to know you in class the past week and a half. Your passion and enthusiasm is inspiring and contagious...qualities that I am confident make you a hot commodity in your school! I look forward to staying in touch and hopefully making it up here for the conference next spring!

  3. Hi Jody,
    I love what you said about people having their stories to tell. I think it is powerful to give them means and words to tell them with. Loved your video by the way. I think you nailed it when you said that we need to give the right tools to the right student. Nice job!

  4. I agree, students must create and collaborate...this enhances learning while creating/enhancing relationships. We are all "social" beings and social learning is a must to deepen our learning. There are so many ways to enhance social learning with the use of technology and this class has broadened my knowledge of ways to inspire, enhance and engage students through the use of technology. You always have insightful comments and stories to share...please continue because I'm learning, learning, learning and I LOVE IT!

  5. Nice video & I was hungry too.

    Thank you for the list of apps!

    Totally agree email is a great tool & relationship builder however I am extremely disappointed/frustrated by how society sees email as a lazy way to communicate or not as personal as hand writing a note or mailing a letter.
